The nation’s cartoonists on the week in politics

Every week political cartoonists throughout the country and across the political spectrum apply their ink-stained skills to capture the foibles, memes, hypocrisies and other head-slapping events in the world of politics. The fruits of these labors are hundreds of cartoons that entertain and enrage readers of all political stripes. Here’s an offering of the best…

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Note to Our Readers

Note to Our Readers POLITICO has been the subject of debate on X this week. Some of it has been misinformed, and some of it has been flat-out false. Let’s set the record straight. POLITICO is a privately owned company. We have never received any government funding — no subsidies, no grants, no handouts. Not…

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Democrats zero in on Musk as a way to attack Trump

Democrats are starting to wake up and sketch out a plan to help them win back the working class: Turn the world’s richest person into their boogeyman. They’ve set their sights on holding Elon Musk to account. Armed with new polling showing Musk’s popularity in the toilet, key Democratic leaders are going after the top…

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Thin skin, sealed lips 

Criminal defamation law injures free speech, as a Delhi court noted. SC should review the law Politics in today’s India is arguably more heated than anywhere else in the world, which makes it passing strange…

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Can RaGa be in tune?

Rahul Gandhi’s address in Parliament on Monday was a glimpse of the politician the 54-year-old can be. He critiqued in a dramatic but measured manner successive govts’ failure to tackle unemployment, the failure of “good…

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