Should You Take a Blood Test for Menopause?

If this is the first time you’re hearing the term “perimenopause” — welcome! We’ve been expecting you. Everyone who gets a period goes through menopause, and perimenopause refers to the time period leading up to the day when you’re officially out of the egg-dropping game — aka no more periods. During this time, your hormone…

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Is it Covid, RSV or the Flu?

+ Infographic text Every year, respiratory viruses like flu, Covid and RSV cause millions of people to get sick and thousands of people to die.  You can lower your risk by getting vaccinated.  Did you know?  People over 65 and those who are immunocompromised should get a 2nd Covid vaccine 6 months after their first…

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Pregnancy and Cervical Cancer: Know Your Options

About 11,500 people in the United States are diagnosed with cervical cancer every year. Cervical cancer happens often in the reproductive years. Almost 4 out of 10 people diagnosed with this disease are 45 and younger. The cervix plays an important role in pregnancy by helping keep the baby inside the uterus. If your cervix…

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Overactive Bladder Can Affect Your Daily Life

+ Infographic text What is overactive bladder?   Overactive bladder occurs when muscles in the bladder start to tighten on their own. When the muscles contract, it creates an urgent need to pee. 4 out of 10 U.S. women have overactive bladder.  Symptoms of overactive bladder Sudden need to pee Urgency incontinence (sudden need to…

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What Your Period Blood Color Can Tell You

Medically reviewed by Mary Jane Minkin, M.D. + Infographic text Dark red  Old blood that has lingered in your body for a while but hasn’t oxidized enough (been exposed to oxygen) to turn fully brown.  Can mean: You are at the end of your period  You have postpartum discharge (called lochia) Concern level: Usually nothing…

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