Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection 101

February is American Heart Month. We can’t stress enough how important heart health is. Well, maybe stress is the wrong word. We can’t say it loud enough: PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR HEART. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women and people assigned female at birth (AFAB) in the U.S. But sometimes cardiac…

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A Guide to Coping With Valentine’s Day Depression

If you’ve ever watched February 14 approaching with dread, sadness, or just plain bitterness, you know exactly why Valentine’s Day depression is a thing. Yes, this is a day built around love and joy, but sometimes when mid-February rolls around, you’re feeling anything but loving and joyful. Maybe you’re fresh off a rocky breakup or…

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15 Minutes With: Katelyn Jetelina, Ph.D., Talks Viruses, Vaccines and Avoiding the Bird Flu

Katelyn Jetelina, PhD, MPH, is our type of public health professional. As an epidemiologist, she studies patterns and causes of disease in public health (e.g., Covid), and she’s super passionate about sharing evidence-based information with anyone who’s interested. Her free weekly newsletter, Your Local Epidemiologist, breaks down complicated public health facts in a friendly, easy…

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La vacunación contra el VPH en todo el mundo

English Enero es el Mes de Concientización del Cáncer Cervical + Infographic text El VPH (virus del papiloma humano) es muy común, tan frecuente que casi todos lo contraeremos en algún momento.  Las infecciones del VPH a menudo desaparecen por sí solas, pero el virus puede causar algunos tipos de cáncer.  Casi todos los cánceres…

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